I made this video playlist at

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2008


Hi Hi Puffy Amy Yumi ,XD, lol lol, I'm here again triying to write often here in my personal space, the most part of my entries was about artist, but this time I´m going to talk about my weekend.
Was actually fun, I mean, yes I do my laundry and others fun home dutties (sarcastic lol about fun),but I spend a great time with my friends when I finished my homework.
I went to Petter Pipper Pizza, the reason was a Otaku reunion, a Little strange reunion, because the otaku community is freaky Itself XD, I'm a Otaku, I love anime and cosplay, but I´m little more serious than other Otakus,but after all was an amazing experience, we talk about trips to the TNT and play contests :).
The best part of all this, was spend time with my friends Kayle and Gloria and see a lot cosplayers friends.
by the way I think the Petter Pipper Pizza employments hated us, because spend all their time monitor every move we made, well nobody said something disguting to Kayle, Gloria and I, but they looked in a nasty was to the dark guys from the group.

1 comentario:

j3rRyM@I/I dijo...

Hi karol, what up?
nice blog you have
